Remember Who He Is

Posted by anthologycreative

JOEL IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE books in the Bible. Joel tells of a time that the nation of Israel messed up, and God disciplined the people. God promised that if they asked for forgiveness, He would restore them. God loves and cares for His people; He cares for you. Part of that caring is making sure you are doing the right thing. As a Christian, if you mess up, God will bring discipline, but it’s for your good. Sin is never good for us; it always has negative consequences. That is the reason God gave us His law.

Read Joel 2:21-27 and take a close look at verse 21.
God’s message to His disobedient people was to not be afraid. When have you needed to hear these words from God?
Why did Joel remind the Israelites of how God had always taken care of them in the past? How has He taken care of you in the past?
 Has something bad ever turned out for your good? What happened?
 How did you see God at work?
 Has it made it easier to trust God in the hard times? Why?
In what areas do you struggle to trust God? How can you turn those things over to Him?

During the times of discipline or trial, God is helping you grow and is shaping you. Remember that God wants what is best for you. The Lord will do great things for you, through you, and with you, if you will trust Him. It can be hard when we have plans or ideas of our own. Sometimes we want something so much that we can’t see how it would hurt us. Remember that God knows what is best for us. He knows His plans and the future. Make sure your will lines up with His.

No matter what happened yesterday, God knows what He’s doing. Understand that it’s not too late to do what’s right, and it’s not too late for God to do something amazing.

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Christmas Time is Here

Posted by Karah

Greetings from Ridgecrest Summer Camps!  I hope you were able to read our last blog about the Snow Storm here at camp.  By the time the snow ended, we had over a foot of snow!  It was absolutely beautiful!  Not much has melted so we are still enjoying the remnants.

Well, it’s Christmas time and we’d like to bring you another Norman Rockwell Christmas card.  Thank you Wayne for your talent and inspiration.

We hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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Fear Not

Posted by anthologycreative

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN freaked out? Ever walked up to your cabin after dark?  Ever been outside at night when it was stormy? Can you imagine being in a boat during that same storm? Imagine: it’s windy, so the boat is moving around, and it’s dark so you can’t see well. Suddenly, you see a figure coming toward you . . . walking on the water. This is what happened to the disciples at 3 a.m. one day, according to the Bible. They were tired, it was dark and stormy, and there came Jesus. They thought it was a ghost, since they had never seen anyone walk on water. Frightening!

Read Mark 6:45-52. Carefully consider verse 50b.
What do these verses teach you about Jesus’ power?
When things got out of control out on the sea, what was the disciples’ first reaction?
What is your first reaction when life whirls out of control?

 Of what are you afraid?

 Why does it scare you?
How do you think God can use that fear to help you grow?

 Will you trust God in that situation?

Sometimes we get scared. We can be afraid about the future or the things in our lives. Life is uncertain. Being a Christian doesn’t mean you’re never going to be scared or frightened or feel faithless. The Bible tells us that when we mourn, we mourn with hope. I would also say that when we are afraid, we are afraid with hope. We have hope and comfort in the fact that God is for us and working in us. We experience things that make us afraid, but we can use those situations. Have courage and trust that God will bring you through the dark times.

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Snow Storm at Camp!

Posted by phil

We woke up this morning to snow and it hasn’t stopped coming down! We probably have about 4 inches on the ground right now. Here are some pictures we took at about 10:30am.

Spilman in the Snow Lake Lodge in the Snow

Canteen in Snow Ridgecrest Front Gate in Snow

We wish you guys were here to go sledding! Have a great Christmas break!

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The 10 “slowest” Blobs of 2009

Posted by phil

So you’ve maybe seen some Blob Footage in the past, but not quite like this! Here is a little Camp Ridgecrest Blobbing in Slo-Mo… Enjoy! Which blob is your favorite? Comment below…

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It’s All Under Control

Posted by anthologycreative

PEOPLE IN THE WORLD often seem to want to get rid of Christians. It seems like the rules limit when we can pray and read the Bible. We know that Jesus has conquered the evil forces at work in the world. So what does this mean for you and me? It’s important for us to remember that we are in a battle. Ephesians 6:12 tells us we battle against spiritual forces, not physical forces. We must fight the battle in prayer, worship, and Bible study.

Today we are looking at John 16:29-33. How does verse 33 encourage you?

 Do you find yourself turning from God in hard times? Why?

 When things are difficult, how do you respond? Prayer? Complaints? Anger?

 Does it make it easier or more difficult to trust God? Explain.

 How does God provide for you during difficult times?
Why is it important that Jesus says He told His disciples these things so they could have peace?
In what areas of your life do you need the peace of a Savior who has overcome the world? What steps will you take to let Him have control of those things?

Do you ever feel like you are being singled out because of your faith? Like it would just be easier to throw in the towel and give up the faith? Jesus told us this would happen. Every day is a battle, and some days we fight harder than others. We study the Bible and learn God’s truths so we can hold fast in hard times. We study passages like the one we have today because it’s a good reminder that Jesus knows what has happened and what will happen—and He’s still in control. He wants us to have peace. The best ways to have peace are to trust Jesus, pray, read your Bible, and spend time with other Christians. It may not be easy when hard times come, but we can make it through because we know that Jesus has overcome.

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Touring Colorado Springs, CO

Posted by Karah

This past week, Ron, Phil and Sharon attended the Christian Camp and Conference Association’s National Conference in Colorado Springs, CO.  We had the opportunity to attend seminars/sessions and also worship with other camping people.  It was a fun and restful time!  We thought it would be a good idea to give you an idea of what we got to do while we were out there.  Take a look!

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Give Him Everything

Posted by anthologycreative

WHAT ARE YOU passionate about? What gets you going? What motivates you?
Each of us has a passion for something. For some it may be sports. For others it may be friends at school or friends at camp. But as believers, where does Jesus fit? Are you passionate about your relationship with Him? It is easy to get sidetracked by things that in the end will not matter. Everything has its place, but Christ must be first. Our relationship with Him needs to be important. With our focus on Christ, all of our other passions will fall into their proper place.

Read Philippians 3:7-11 and contemplate what was written in verse 8.
What was Paul passionate about?
Why did he consider everything he had gained as filth?
Ultimately, whom did Paul want to glorify in his life?
Ultimately, whom do you want to glorify with your life? Why?

Paul loved Jesus. He realized that the most important relationship in his life was the one with his Savior. Paul wanted to glorify Christ in all things. He realized that everything he did paled in comparison to the greatness of Christ. It was because of God’s love and mercy towards him that he was pulled from the depths of sin. His life was completely changed because of the compassion of the Savior, and he wanted everyone to know that. Paul totally submitted to serving Christ, not because he had to, but because he wanted to. He willingly and sacrificially gave up his life to serve the One who had done the same thing for him.

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4 Reasons our Staff are the Best

Posted by phil

So, we spend a lot of time making sure that we only hire the very best staff around. Every summer, there are hundreds of applicants that don’t get the chance to serve with us. These men and women are very well trained and equipped to lead campers each summer. But just by looking at this short video, it’s obvious that they love their job and that they are bursting with creativity. Hope you enjoy!

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Trevor is our November Winner of the FREE CANTEEN!

Posted by phil

Free Canteen Drawing!

We want to say Congrats to Trevor Boggess, an Apache, for winning the FREE CANTEEN this month. Trevor made a comment on our Camp Ridgecrest Blog, and was entered into a drawing for a free canteen. Ron and I are headed down to the canteen now to pick up the Cheerwine and Sour Punch Straws! Trevor, you should be looking in the mail for your Canteen to arrive within the next few days!

You too can win a FREE Canteen delivered to your door! Simply make a comment on ANY of our Blog Posts during the month of December! Your name will automatically be entered! We’ll announce this month’s winner in about a month…

Rope Swing Archery Slide

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