We Belong To God

Posted by anthologycreative

“God invites us to work in the world
to foster God’s purposes. Part of that call is
to acknowledge in our hearts and lives that
our very being and everything we have belongs to God, and we are caretakers
using ourselves for His Kingdom.

—Dr. William O. Avery

Read 2 Corinthians 8:1-7, focusing on verses 4-5. Read over the passage a couple of times, underlining what the Macedonian believers did in verse 5.


Ask yourself:
What does it mean to give yourself to the Lord?

When the Macedonians realized that their lives and all they had belonged to God, how did it affect how they lived and how they gave to others?

Does knowing that you are God’s and all you have belongs to Him affect your generosity? Why or why not?


Take Action
Read over the quote from Dr. Avery on this page. All that you have—including your life—belongs to God. How will you allow Him to use you in His kingdom work this week? List a few concrete ideas in your journal or the comment section below.

Evaluate your own generosity. Does your generosity reflect a deep understanding that your life is not your own? Why or why not? If your attitude doesn’t reflect God’s, what changes will you make today so that it does?


Going Deeper
If you want to gain a deeper understanding that your life is not your own, read 1 Corinthians 6:20 and Galatians 2:20. Take some time to journal about these Scriptures and your response to them.


Behind the Story
The Macedonians Paul referred to in this letter was probably a reference to Christian churches in Philippi, Thessalonica, and Berea, cities located in the Roman province of Macedonia. The Macedonian believers were facing severe persecution, and in the midst of that, experienced a spontaneous, overwhelming desire to give to the churches in Jerusalem. Paul asserted that this joyful, willing attitude came from God and was an example of His grace at work. In Paul’s reasoning, God’s grace may not lighten our burdens or take away our poverty, but it will open our hearts and loosen our grip on belongings, money included.

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VLOG: Largest Water Balloon Fight of their Life

Posted by phil

It’s not every day that your camper gets the chance to enjoy a 19,000 water balloon showdown. We spent three days filling about 20 over-sized 50 gallon trash cans with water balloons. It’s didn’t take 30 minutes for our boys to throw every last balloon. It’s an absolute blast that they can’t experience anywhere else. Watch this footage…

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Motivation Matters

Posted by anthologycreative

Question: What do all three of these things have in common?

A grand slam to win the game in the bottom of the
ninth inning.
An encore from the band at a sold-out concert.
A camper who gets tapped out for Little Chief or Belle.

Answer: They’re all things that get a lot of attention. For weeks to come, people will talk about these feats. There might be news coverage, and Twitter and Facebook will be teeming with comments on the topic.

Think about the last time you did something that got a lot of public recognition or attention. What did you do? Why? Was getting all that attention a motivating factor for you to do it?


Read Matthew 6:1-4 in your Bible.

What do these verses teach you about your motivation to give to others? Explain.

When have you done something good or even godly because you wanted people to take notice or applaud you? What do these verses say about that kind of attitude?

What does it mean to be a hypocrite? Are there areas of your life in which you’re being a hypocrite? Explain.


• a person who claims to to have moral standards or beliefs to which his or her own behavior does not conform; pretense.

The Point
Jesus clearly expects giving to those in need to be a vital part of His followers’ lives. But motivation matters—and when we give, it isn’t about getting attention or making a name for ourselves. Instead, we should give quietly, out of a desire to please God.


Take Action
What are some ways you could put Jesus’ teachings about how to give into practice right now? List three ways you’ll do so this week.

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VLOG: Country Breakfast!

Posted by phil

Twice a summer our Central Staff hosts a breakfast for the entire camp. You’ll find loud music, pancakes, bacon, and of course our famous cheese grits! The Grit Train is always a hit! While it’s easily the most energetic breakfast of their year, it almost always ends up in a brief food fight. Oh the fun things that only happen at Camp Ridgecrest! Watch this short video…

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Posted by anthologycreative

Corrie Ten Boom was a Dutch Christian, who, along with her father, helped provide safety for Jews during World War II. After a raid on their house, she and her family were sent to a concentration camp.

Life in the camp was dreadful—but Corrie and her sister focused their lives on extending the love of Jesus to fellow prisoners. Decades later, Corrie began a worldwide ministry to testify of God’s love and forgiveness.

After one of many speeches on grace, Corrie was approached by a man who came to shake her hand. He was a former prison guard in the camp. It was only through the power of Christ that Corrie was able to extend grace to this man.


Take Action
Memorize 1 John 4:19. It will help you to remember why you’re called to love others, even when it’s hard.


Think about Corrie Ten Boom’s story as you read Matthew 5:43-48 in your Bible. Jesus’ command is for us is to love our neighbors—and our enemies. The people who hurt us, ridicule us, gossip about us, and make fun of us. All of them. Who do you find hard to love? Be honest about it to God. Record your prayer, asking Him for His grace and strength to help you love those people. List a few ways you will commit to show that person God’s love this week.


Week in Review
Take some time today to think over what you’ve learned this past week.

The kind of life Jesus has called you to won’t make sense to the world. How does that challenge or convict you?

Being a Christian isn’t about keeping rules; it’s about following Christ in radical obedience. Are you keeping the rules or cultivating a relationship with Jesus?

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VLOG: Bedlam Ball With a Little Newspaper Party on Top

Posted by phil

We had a ton of fun playing Bedlam Ball in the rain! Once we were good and soaked, we transitioned inside to play a Newspaper Party… a camp favorite! But we weren’t done there… after we had the boys good and tired, we relaxed and watched a movie at Ridgecrest Cinema. It was a packed night, and they had a blast! Watch how much fun they had!

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An Eye For An Eye

Posted by anthologycreative

Read Matthew 5:38-42 below. Then, dig deeper into what the words and phrases really mean.

“You have heard that it was said,
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I tell you, don’t resist an evildoer. On the contrary, if anyone slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. As for the one who wants to sue you and take away your shirt, let him have your coat as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two. Give to the one who asks you, and don’t turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.”

—Matthew 5:38–42


One of the oldest laws in the world, this principle was supposed to be used to help courts determine appropriate punishments that fit the crime.

A slap on the right cheek was usually a backhanded slap which was considered a high insult. In commanding His followers to turn the other cheek, Jesus was instructing us not to seek vengeance even when facing the worst offense possible.

In Jesus’ day, the outer garment called the coat was an essential garment since it protected people from the cold and doubled as a blanket for the poor. In Old Testament law, people could sue for others’ shirt (inner garment), but taking their coat was not permitted because it was too severe. Jesus’ instructed His followers to go beyond what the law said to reconcile with others.

Roman soldiers could legally force civilians to carry their gear for up to a mile. Jesus instructed His followers to carry it one more mile as an act of service and love.


The Point
If you’re a follower of Christ, you’re called to a radical way of life that won’t make sense in the world’s eyes. Are you living that way?


Take Action
How will you live radically different. Below, list three ways you’ll put today’s Scripture passage into practice in your life this week.

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Keep Your Word

Posted by anthologycreative

When actor Gary Sinise gave his word to Marine Cpl. J.B. Kerns, he intended to keep it. So, he did.

In March, Sinise and his band, the Lt. Dan Band, were set to perform at a benefit concert to raise money for Kerns, a Virginia Marine who lost part of his right arm and both legs below the knee in Afghanistan last year. Sinise had to cancel that appearance because of a car accident, but rescheduled it for May 24, 2012.

Sinise didn’t say why he chose to keep his word to Cpl. Kerns, but Christians do have a reason to keep their word. Read Matthew 5:33-37 in your Bible. Pay close attention to verse 37.

• a solemn usually formal calling upon God or a god to witness to the truth of what one says, or to witness that one sincerely intends to do what one says
• a solemn attestation of the truth or inviolability of one’s words • something (as a promise) corroborated by an oath

Behind the Story
In Jesus’ day, oaths to God were considered binding. Therefore, Jews would avoid using God’s name in their oaths and sub in other things (like heaven, earth, Jerusalem, or their own heads). In this passage, Jesus condemns that sort of flippant, careless type of speech. Your yes should be yes. Your no should be no. You should keep your word.


Take Action
Take some time to evaluate yourself. How well do you keep your word . . .
to your parents?
to your friends?
to your teachers?
to coaches/teammates?
to your counselors/cabinmates?
to your church?
to God?

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