He is Faithful

Posted by Karah


Thank God for His trustworthiness. Focus your heart on Him. Praise Him for this and other aspects of His character.

Read Luke 1:39-45 in your Bible. Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, and Mary were related. Soon after Gabriel had informed Mary that she would be the Messiah’s mother, Mary went to visit Elizabeth, who was pregnant with John.

Reread Elizabeth’s response when Mary arrived. How did she respond to Mary and the good news of the child Mary was carrying?

Note the number of times Elizabeth used the word blessed. Elizabeth was affirming the great thing God was doing through Mary. Mary’s blessedness depended entirely upon the identity and greatness of her child, Jesus. Elizabeth was pointing praise to God, the One who was acting in time and space to make salvation possible. Read Mary’s response in Luke 1:46-56.

“And Mary said: My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior, because He has looked with favor on the humble condition of His slave. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed, because the Mighty One has done great things for me, and His name is holy.”

—Luke 1:46-49

Ask yourself:

What aspects of God’s character did Mary praise in these verses? Explain.
Look at verses 54-55. Mary declared that God had been faithful to keep His promise of the Savior, the promise He had given to Abraham. How have you seen God’s faithfulness in your life? Be specific.
How does knowing that God is faithful help you to trust Him more?

Think about how God has been faithful to you in Jesus. How does God’s faithfulness inspire your praise? Using Luke 1:46-56 as a model, record your own prayer or song of praise to God in your journal.

Mary pointed to a time when “all generations” would give praise to God because of the blessing He had given to them in Jesus. Think about your generation—your peers, classmates, and teens around the world. How will you share the blessing God has given us in Jesus with your generation? Pray about this and record any action steps the Holy Spirit reveals.

For further study, find the connection between trust and praise in Psalm 28:7; 40:3; and 56:4.

Behind the Story

Luke 1:46-56 is often called the Magnificat, a Latin phrase derived from Mary’s opening words. It is similar in tone and style to Hannah’s prayer in 1 Samuel 2:1-10. Like Hannah, Mary praised God for what He was about to do and thanked Him for the part she was privileged to play.

The Point

Knowing God is faithful, we must praise Him.

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God’s Plan

Posted by Karah


Ponder this quote from Charles Swindoll to begin your time with God: “We must cease striving and trust God to provide what He thinks is best and in whatever time He chooses to make it available.”

God’s preparation for salvation through Jesus didn’t begin there. It began before the foundations of the earth. Read Galatians 4:4-7 in your Bible. Pay attention to words or phrases that denote the eternal nature of God’s plan to redeem His children.

“When the time came to completion, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. . . . So you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.”

—Galatians 4:4-5,7

“When the time came to completion” is sometimes translated as the fullness of time. From the beginning, God knew the exact moment Jesus would need to come to live among us.

What does this teach you about God’s intentionality and His desire to redeem us? About the importance of Jesus’ incarnation?

Ponder verse 5 and underline the two things Jesus came to do. What did Jesus do to redeem us? Explain in your own words.

Why is it important to recognize that we can only become God’s children through His gift of Jesus, not our own merit or effort?

What is the difference in a slave and a son? Explain.


From eternity, God’s plan was redemption through Jesus—His birth, life, death, and resurrection. Eternal salvation is available, but we must respond to His invitation.

In Jesus, God has acted to buy us back from our sin and made a way for us to become His children. It isn’t about how good we are or what we’ve done; it’s about what Jesus has already done.

God’s timing is perfect. He knew the exact moment Jesus needed to come into the world, and He can be trusted with your life. Pray right now over circumstances in your life where you feel like God is silent, too slow, or too fast. Ask Him to help you trust Him and His purposes.

For further study of God’s wisdom and trustworthiness, read Deuteronomy 32:4; Psalm 9:10; 62:8; 118:8; and Proverbs 9:10.

Behind the Story

The phrase “born of woman” in Galatians 4:4 implies the virgin birth, but also points to Jesus’ full participation in the human condition. He was born of a woman, just like all other people. His birth was normal, and He experienced a normal childhood. He was like us. He also faced the same expectations as everyone else, as “born under the law” attests. But there is one big difference between Jesus and the rest of humanity. Whereas humanity continually falls short of the law, which exposes our sinfulness, Jesus fulfilled the law entirely without sin.

The Point

God’s timely plan in Jesus was always clear: to redeem us from sin and call us into His family.

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Camp Ridgecrest Construction Update, January 2016

Posted by phil

The New Year has come and that means just one (IMPORTANT) thing: summer is coming! We’ve been busy hiring staff, recruiting more campers, planning some awesome new games, and making sure Ron doesn’t get too rusty on his 2-Square skills. But while we’ve been busy with all that, there have been some BIG changes happening at camp. Scroll down to read (AND SEE) more!

The new Program Deck and Lake Lodge are coming along! - as of 1/15/16

The new Program Deck and Lake Lodge are coming along! – as of 1/15/16

Want to see where the new Apache and Shawnee cabins and Egypts are going to be? We thought you might. But did you know that the cabins will all be connected to the Egypt by a porch? That’s right! You don’t even have to leave your porch to go to the bathroom at night. Did you also know there’s going to be a brand new Apache/Shawnee fort area? You can also see where the NEW TBI is going to be this year. The Sioux will have an awesome new home and be close to their Apache brothers! Check it out!

Layout of Apache, Shawnee, Sioux for 2016, - as of 1/15/16

Layout of Apache, Shawnee, Sioux for 2016, – as of 1/15/16

Check out the Lake Lodge these days, pretty crazy looking huh? It’s going to have a sweet new stage upstairs that’ll be used for Sock War skits and other fun games! The public restrooms will be nice so you don’t have to run back to your hill to use the bathroom, and will help eliminate lines on Opening and Closing Day! The clothing store is coming right along and will have some really cool new items you’ve never seen before.

Lake Lodge Update - as of 1/15/16

Lake Lodge Update – as of 1/15/16

Did you know there’s going to be a new gym where the tennis courts were? We do apologize if tennis skill was your favorite, but we’re betting you’re going to like what’s going there in its place! Not only will the new gym give us an awesome indoor space for games and OA’s on rainy days, but it will also be the new home to basketball skill, NEW hockey skill, an indoor climbing wall, and MORE! You’re going to have to use your imagination to see it in the photo below, but it’s going to be incredible!

New multi-purpose gym coming in 2016! - as of 1/15/16

New multi-purpose gym coming in 2016! – as of 1/15/16

Hey STAFF! Did you know we’re going to have a MUCH bigger parking lot for you this summer? That’s right, a parking lot big enough to hold all of your cars in one place! Soon we’ll be clearing some trees and land near the back gate. In this photo, you can also see how Sequoia Lodge is coming along. Sequoia Lodge will be home to the Director’s family and will also house ALL female staff together in one place, for the first time ever!

A much needed Staff Parking Lot sits behind Sequoia Lodge, - as of 1/15/16

A much needed Staff Parking Lot sits behind Sequoia Lodge, – as of 1/15/16


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Do Not Be Afraid

Posted by Karah

unnamed (1)Pause

Kneel in prayer as an act of submission to God. Thank Him for His faithfulness and trustworthiness.

What are your plans for today? For this week? For your future?

Read Matthew 1:18-25 in your Bible. As you read, look for Joseph’s plan for how he would respond to Mary’s pregnancy. Underline it when you read it.

“So her husband Joseph, being a righteous man, and not wanting to disgrace her publicly, decided to divorce her secretly.” —Matthew 1:19

Dig deeper with these questions:

What were the main points of Joseph’s plan? What does Joseph’s plan reveal about his character? Explain.

Joseph had a sensible plan to deal with Mary’s pregnancy, but God changed all of that. How did His plan differ from Joseph’s?
When have you seen God completely change someone’s plans? What did you learn from that experience?
Do you have trouble being obedient to God when His plan doesn’t seem to make sense to you? Why or why not?


Even though Joseph didn’t understand what God was doing, he trusted God and actively obeyed Him.

What is God calling you to do that doesn’t make sense? What circumstances in your life seem confusing or senseless? Ask God to help you trust Him and obey Him in those situations, even when His plan is unclear.

Think about the plans you are already making—for today, this week, for the rest of your life. Lay these plans down before God, asking Him to guide and direct your steps as you seek His wisdom. Record your commitment in your journal using the following format: Lord, my life is yours. Guide me in your wisdom and help me to honor you in all I do.

For further study of God’s ways, read Isaiah 55:8. For an example of someone who obeyed even though he didn’t understand, read Exodus 3.

Behind the Story

The angel instructed Joseph to name the baby even though he wasn’t the biological father. In naming Jesus, Joseph was accepting the legal responsibility for the child.

The Point

Like Joseph, we must be willing to trust God’s plan, whether it makes sense to us or not.

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Without Fear

Posted by Karah


What do you think of when you hear the word rescue? What images or words come to mind? Sketch or list a few of them below.

Now, read Luke 1:67-80 in your Bible. These verses are Zechariah’s prophecy after the birth his son, John the Baptist. Focus on verses 73-75.

“He has given us the privilege, since we have been rescued from our enemies’ clutches, to serve Him without fear in holiness and righteousness in His presence all our days.”

—Luke 1:73b-75

Underline the word rescued in the verses above. What did Jesus rescue us from? Draw a circle around your answer.

The Jews pictured salvation as rescue from political enemies, but God’s salvation is about being free to serve Him without hindrance or fear.

How does sin create hindrances and fear in serving God? Explain.

When sin reigns in our lives, we cannot pursue any kind of holiness or righteousness. How do you know this to be true?

Mull over verses 76-77. Why is it important to understand that God’s salvation is centered on the forgiveness of sin? Explain.


Without Jesus, you are a slave to sin. But in Jesus, He has given you the power to not sin! You won’t be perfect, but sin doesn’t have power over you.

Evaluate your life. Against what sins do you feel powerless? Have you asked Christ to help? Do so right now.

Thank Jesus for what He has done to free you from sin and allow you to serve God without hindrance. Record your prayer in the comments below or in your journal.

When we are mired in sin, we sometimes become afraid of how God will react if we’re honest with Him about that sin. He already knows. Be honest, confess your sin, and seek His forgiveness.

For further study about the life of righteousness, read Romans 6:15-23.

Behind the Story

Luke 1:67-79 is Zechariah’s prophecy regarding his son, John the Baptist, and the coming Messiah. It is traditionally called the “Benedictus,” which is taken from the first word of the passage in Latin. Verses 71-75 clearly state that the ministries of John the Baptist and Jesus fulfill God’s covenant with David (Luke 1:69; 2 Sam. 7:12-16) as well as the oath God swore to Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3).

The Point

Jesus rescues us from slavery of sin so we can serve Him without fear or hindrance.

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