With Authority

Posted by Karah


Ponder the definition of authority. Before beginning your quiet time, acknowledge Jesus as the sole authority over your life.

Authority n. = The right to give orders and make decisions; power to influence others, especially because of recognized knowledge about something

Knowing the definition of authority, what kinds of things were you an authority about at age 12? What could you talk about with absolute authority? List a few ideas.

At 12, most of us aren’t authorities on much. It was not the same with Jesus. Read Luke 2:41-47 in your Bible.

“And all those who heard Him were astounded at His understanding and His answers.” —Luke 2:47

It was common for rabbis to sit in the temple courts and discuss theology with interested listeners. But it was not common for children to take part in those conversations, much less amaze the crowd with their understanding. Ask yourself:

What does this event in Jesus’ earthly life teach you about His wisdom? His authority? Explain.

Why would Jesus have had authority to speak about matters of theological importance, even as a child? Write it in your own words.

How does this event help you to further understand that Jesus was no ordinary man? Explain.


Are you astounded by Jesus’ wisdom and authority or bored and distracted? In your journal, record a prayer, asking God to give you a deep hunger for His and His ways.

Evaluate your life. Are you acknowledging Jesus as the sole authority in your life? If yes, then how?

Even as a Christian, it’s easy to try to be the authority in our own lives. Ask God to reveal any ways you are trying to wrestle control from Him. Confess these things today.

For further study, read Luke 5:21; Matthew 9:34; and Matthew 12:2,14. Why do you think the religious leaders went from being astounded by Jesus when He was a child to hating Him as an adult?

Behind the Story

This is the only incident in Scripture about Jesus’ life between the time He was a small child and His baptism by John (John 3:21-22). Jewish families made the annual pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the feasts of Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. At 12 years of age, this was Jesus’ last Passover before He was considered an adult.

The Point

Jesus could teach with authority because He is the Authority.

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Camp Ridgecrest Construction Update, February 2016

Posted by phil

Another month has passed and you wouldn’t believe how much is going on at Camp! After getting more than a foot of snow in late January, the work crews are working hard to get Camp ready for this summer. Take a look at the updates below!

Apache Cabin Cluster: 3 Apache cabins will be connected by a deck to the Egypt. - as of Feb 2016

Apache Cabin Cluster: 3 Apache cabins will be connected by a deck to the Egypt. – as of Feb 2016


Shawnee Cabin Cluster: Cabins will be connected to Egypt by a deck. – as of Feb 2016

All Apache and Shawnee cabins will be connected to their Egypts (bathhouses) by a deck, so that campers will never have to leave the porch to go to the bathroom or take a shower! There will be 2 Egypts on each hill. We are excited about these new cabins and also how close Apache and Shawnee hills will be to the middle of camp!


The NEW Archery Range, as seen from the backside of the Riflery range – as of Feb 2016

Maybe you’ve heard, maybe you haven’t, but we are getting a brand new Archery Range! That’s right, a place in camp that is designated ONLY for Archery! The new range will be between the Middle Green and the Riflery range. It will be an awesome flat space with grass. If you’re taking Target Sports as a skill, you won’t have to walk back and forth between Archery and Riflery!


The Kitchen Renovation – as of Feb 2016

When you build 10 new cabins, you have to be able to feed a lot more mouths! In order to do that well, we are expanding the kitchen, building an addition to hold the walk-in refrigerator and freezer and putting in a new floor and walls! Also, in Spilman, we will now have FOUR serving lines, instead of just 2. So your wait will be shorter when you have to fill the chicken tenders!


The NEW Clothing Store inside the Lake Lodge – as of Feb 2016

So you’ve heard there’s going to be a clothing store inside the Lake Lodge? Well here’s the beginnings of what it will look like. This is a view of the main room and there will be shelving and displays all over the walls and in the middle of the room. In the back right, you can see a smaller room, which will serve as the check-out area once you are ready to pay! Also, you can see the stone walls, which are original to the building and used to be exposed on the outside end of the building!

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Share the Good News

Posted by Karah


Look over the first few chapters of Luke and think about the different ways various people responded to the news that the Messiah had been born. Joyfully thank God for sending His Son to dwell among us so that you could have a relationship with Him.

Think about the older believers in your life, even senior citizens. Who is the best example of what it means to be a godly man or woman? Why? What characteristics does he or she display? Journal a few thoughts below.

Now, read Anna’s story in Luke 2:36-38. A prophetess, Anna had lived a long life and had spent it in service to God. As you read, underline the actions that display Anna’s faithful service to the Lord.

“At that very moment, she came up and began to thank God and to speak about Him to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.” —Luke 2:38

Think through the following questions.

Anna’s life was marked by her devotion to God. Her faith and trust in Him shaped  every part of her life. Could the same be said of you? Why or why not?

Anna’s faithfulness wasn’t confined to her actions. When she saw that the Messiah had come, she shared her hope with others. Why is it important that we not only live the gospel, but also talk about it when God gives us opportunities?


Anna saw the Messiah and couldn’t keep the good news to herself. Who in your life needs to hear the gospel? What steps will you take this week to live and speak the gospel into that person’s life? Write two in your journal.

You can choose right now to begin living a life completely devoted to the Lord. What steps will you take to learn more about Him, grow closer to Him, and serve Him? Write a list in your journal.

Consider godly older Christians whose lives have been well lived for the Lord. Pray about asking one of them to mentor you.

Behind the Story

It is very unlikely that Anna could have lived at the temple, because women were not usually allowed to stay in the temple overnight. It’s a phrase meant to stress the idea that she was there all the time, pointing to Anna’s long and single-minded devotion to God.

The Point

Our lives should be marked by devotion to the Lord and a willingness to share the hope we have in Him.

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Promised One

Posted by Karah


Quietly sit before God, preparing your heart to meet with Him.

Read Micah 5:2 in your Bible.

“Bethlehem Ephrathah, you are small among the clans of Judah; One will come from you to be ruler over Israel for Me. His origin is from antiquity, from eternity.”

—Micah 5:2

Ask yourself:

What two things does this verse reveal about the promised Messiah?

Micah 5:2 declares that the Messiah will come from Bethlehem, while simultaneously pointing to His eternal nature. While the Jews knew what the prophets had said about the coming Messiah, they had been waiting for His arrival for centuries. Knowing this, read Luke 2:1-7 in your Bible.

“While they were there, the time came for her to give birth. Then she gave birth to her firstborn Son, and she wrapped Him snugly in cloth and laid Him in a feeding trough—because there was no room for them at the lodging place.”

—Luke 2:1-7

Think through the following questions:

How do these verses reveal that Jesus was the promised Messiah mentioned in Micah 5:2?

Why is it important that the divine Son of God was laid in a manger? What does that communicate about God’s character? About Jesus?


Taken together, Micah 5:2 and Luke 2:1-7 record God’s fulfillment of prophecy and attest to Jesus’ deity and the eternal nature of God’s plan of redemption through Jesus.

Mull over these thoughts: God planned salvation before the foundation of the earth. Long before I existed, God was making a way for me to know Him and spend eternity with Him. Record your response in your journal.

Revel in the humility and humanity of Jesus’ birth. The Holy One of heaven was laid in a lowly manager. Thank God for a Savior willing to set aside the riches He rightfully deserved so that you might be saved.

For further study of Jesus’ eternal nature, read John 1:1-14.

Behind the Story

Notice the mention of Judah in Micah 5:2. In Genesis 49:10, when Jacob blessed his sons, he had pointed to a ruler who would come from among Judah’s descendents. This was partially fulfilled in David’s line, who became monarchs of Israel. But since Jacob also promised a ruler whose reign would never end, his blessing also points to the Messiah who would be born of David’s line. That is why Luke was careful to mention David’s place in the genealogy of Christ.

The Point

The promised Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem. Jesus fulfilled this prophecy.

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Speaking Truth

Posted by Karah


Mull over what you’ve learned in the past few week’s devotions. Thank God for the gift He has given us in Jesus.

Over the course of the past month, you’ve studied how God faithfully prepared the world for the promised Messiah. Even so, Jesus came into a world that doubted God’s faithfulness, questioned Jesus’ identity and purpose, or downright scoffed at His good news of salvation. For a better picture of this, read Acts 13:16-40.

“And we ourselves proclaim to you the good news of the promise that was made to our ancestors. God has fulfilled this for us, their children, by raising up Jesus, as it is written in the second Psalm: You are My Son; today I have become Your Father.” —Acts 13:32-33

While all of the rest of last month’s devotions occurred before Jesus’ birth, this passage happened after His death, resurrection, and ascension. Paul and Barnabas had gone into the synagogue at Antioch to share the good news that Jesus was the Messiah. Ask yourself:

How did Paul tie Jesus to these Old Testament events? How did Paul present Jesus as the Messiah?

Ponder verses 38-39. Paul proclaimed that through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, God had provided forgiveness of sin and the only way humanity could be set free from sin. Why is this message still vital today?

Think about the response discussed in verses 40-41. How does the world continue to scoff at the gospel today?


Paul was speaking to a group of people who didn’t want to hear the gospel because it was offensive and revealed hard truths about their sin nature.

Who are the people in your world who have heard the gospel, yet continue to reject Jesus?

How can you be faithful to the truth of the gospel and share it with them this week? Ask God to give the courage and willingness to share and to provide opportunities to do so.

When do you feel most threatened because of your faith? Pray about these situations, asking God to help you remain faithful to the gospel.

For further study of the forgiveness of sin we have in Jesus, read Luke 24:44-49; Acts 2:38-40; and Acts 5:29-32.
Behind the Story

It was Paul and Barnabas’ custom to visit the synagogue first when they arrived in a new city. The synagogue was the center of Jewish life. The people not only worshiped there, but the synagogue also served as the center of education. It was where judicial matters were decided, as well as a social gathering place. Intent on sharing the good news that Jesus was the promised Messiah with the Jews, it was the logical place for Paul and Barnabas to begin their missionary work.

The Point

In a world of scoffers, we must remain faithful to the truth of the gospel no matter what.

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