Set Free!

Posted by Karah


Begin your time with God today with a short prayer. Ask the Spirit to soften your heart to whatever God has for you to learn from His Word.

Read and study Colossians 1:11-14. As you read, look for the five benefits Paul listed that God gives to all believers.

List them here.

“He has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son He loves. We have redemption, the forgiveness of sins, in Him.” —Colossians 1:13-14

Rescued: Evokes the idea of God delivering His people from an oppressor. Skim over the verses that precede these verses. What is God rescuing His people from here?

Domain of darkness: In Scripture, darkness is often used to symbolize Satan or evil, while light  refers to God. How has God rescued us from Satan’s kingdom?

Forgiveness of sins: Forgive literally means “to send away” or “cancel.” In Christ, God completely canceled the debt of our sin. That means we can’t earn God’s forgiveness. In what ways do you find yourself trying to earn His forgiveness or favor? Why?


  • Re-read verses 13-14 and ponder the word “transferred.” To be transferred is to move from one place to another. As a Christian, you’ve been transferred from darkness to light, death to life. You have been placed in God’s kingdom when you once lived in the Enemy’s. Examine your life. What examples of this transfer do you see at work in your life? List two or three.
  • If the examples of God’s light in your life seem dim, prayerfully ask God to search your heart so you can deal with any sin in your life. Confess any sin the Holy Spirit reveals.

Behind the Story

Written around the same time, Colossians shares many similarities to Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians. The primary focus of Colossians is to confront the “Colossian heresy,” false teachings that detracted from Jesus’ supremacy.

The Point

Because God has redeemed you, you are completely forgiven. You no longer have to live in sin’s chains.

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